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The latest ArchivesSpace release version


Making small changes

It’s easiest to use a plugin for small changes to your site’s theme. With a plugin, we can override default views, controllers, models, etc. without having to do a complete rebuild of the source code. Be sure to remove the # at the beginning of any line that you want to change. Any line that starts with a # is ignored.

Let’s say we wanted to change the branding logo on the public interface. That can be easily changed in your config.rb file:


That setting is used by the file found in public/app/views/shared/_header.html.erb to display your PUI side logo. You don’t need to change that file, only the setting in your config.rb file.

You can store the image in plugins/local/public/assets/images/logo.png You’ll most likely need to create one or more of the directories.

Your AppConfig[:pui_branding_img] setting should look something like this:

AppConfig[:pui_branding_img] = '/assets/images/logo.png'

Alt text for the PUI branding image can and should also be supplied via:

AppConfig[:pui_branding_img_alt_text] = 'My alt text'

Be sure to remove the # at the beginning of any line that you want to change. Any line that starts with a # is ignored.

If you want your image on the PUI to link out to another location, you will need to make a change to the file public/app/views/shared/_header.html.erb. The line that creates the logo just needs a a href added. You should also alter AppConfig[:pui_branding_img_alt_text] to make it clear that the image also functions as a link (e.g. AppConfig[:pui_branding_img_alt_text] = 'Back to Example College Home'). That will end up looking something like this:

<div class="col-sm-3 hidden-xs"><a href=""><img class="logo" src="<%= asset_path(AppConfig[:pui_branding_img]) %>" alt="<%= AppConfig[:pui_branding_img_alt_text] %>" /></a></div>

The Staff Side logo will need a small plugin file and cannot be set in your config.rb file. This needs to be changed in the plugins/local/frontend/views/site/_branding.html.erb file. You’ll most likely need to create one or more of the directories. Then create that _branding.html.erb file and paste in the following code:

<div class="container-fluid navbar-branding">
<%= image_tag "archivesspace/archivesspace.small.png", :class=>"img-responsive", :alt=>"My image alt text" %>

Change the "archivesspace/archivesspace.small.png" to the path to your image /assets/images/logo.png and place your logo in the plugins/local/frontend/assets/images/ directory. You’ll most likely need to create one or more of the directories.

Note: Since anything we add to plugins directory will not be precompiled by the Rails asset pipeline, we cannot use some of the tag helpers (like img_tag ), since that’s assuming the asset is being managed by the asset pipeline.

Restart the application and you should see your logo in the default view.

Adding CSS rules

You can customize CSS through the plugin system too. If you don’t want to create a whole new plugin, the easiest way is to modify the ‘local’ plugin that ships with ArchivesSpace (it’s intended for these kind of site-specific changes). As long as you’ve still got ‘local’ listed in your AppConfig[:plugins] list, your changes will get picked up.

To do that, create a file called archivesspace/plugins/local/frontend/views/layout_head.html.erb for the staff side or archivesspace/plugins/local/public/views/layout_head.html.erb for the public. Then you can add the line to include the CSS in the site:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "#{@base_url}/assets/custom.css" %>

Then place your CSS in the file:

staff side:
or public side:

and it will get loaded on each page.

You may also want to make changes to the main index page, or the header and footer. Those overrides would go into the following places for the public side of your site:


Heavy re-theming

If you’re wanting to really trick out your site, you could do this in a plugin using the override methods shown above, although there are some big disadvantages to this. The first is that assets will not be compiled by the Rails asset pipeline. Another is that you won’t be able to take advantage of the variables and mixins that Bootstrap and Less provide as a framework, which really helps keep your assets well organized.

A better way to do this is to pull down a copy of the ArchivesSpace code and build out a new theme. A good resource on how to do this is this video . This video covers the staff frontend UI, but the same steps can be applied to the public UI as well.

Also become a little familiar with the build system instructions

First, pull down a new copy of ArchivesSpace using git and be sure to checkout a tag matching the version you’re using or wanting to use.

$ git clone
$ git checkout v2.5.2

You can start your application development server by executing:

$ ./build/run bootstrap
$ ./build/run backend:devserver
$ ./build/run frontend:devserver
$ ./build/run public:devserver

Note: You don’t have to run all these commands all the time. The bootstrap command really only has to be run the first time your pull down the code — it will also take awhile. You also don’t have to start the frontend or public if you’re not working on those interfaces. Backend does have to be started for either the public or frontend interfaces to work. )

Follow the instructions in the video to create a new theme. A good way is to copy the existing default theme to a new folder and start making your updates. Be sure to take advantage of the existing variables set in the Less files to make your assets nice and organized.

Once you’ve updated you theme and have got it working, you can package your application. You can use the ./scripts/build_release to build a totally fresh AS distribution, but you don’t need to do that if you’ve simply made some minor changes to the UI. Instead, use the ”./build/run public:war ” to compile your assets and package a war file. You can then take this public.war file and replace your ASpace distribution war file.

Be sure to update your theme setting in the config.rb file and restart ASpace.