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Running with Docker

Docker images

Starting with v4.0.0 ArchivesSpace officially supports using Docker as the easiest way to get ArchivesSpace up and running. Docker eases installing, upgrading, starting and stopping ArchivesSpace. It also makes it easy to setup ArchivesSpace as a system service that starts automatically on every reboot.

If you prefer not to use Docker, another (more involved) way to get ArchivesSpace up and running is installing the latest distribution .zip file.

ArchivesSpace Docker images are available on the Docker hub.


System requirements

See System Requirements.

Software Dependencies

When using Docker, the only software dependency is Docker itself. Follow the instructions to install the Docker engine. Optionally installing Docker Desktop provides a graphical way to manage, start and stop your docker containers.

Downloading the configuration package

To run ArchivesSpace with Docker, first download the ArchivesSpace docker configuration package of the latest release from github (scroll down to the “Assets” section of the latest release page).

Unzipping the downloaded file will create an archivespace-docker-vX.X.X directory with the following contents:

├── config
│   └── config.rb
├── docker-compose.yml
├── .env.docker.db
├── plugins
└── sql
  • The config.rb file contains the main configuration of ArchivesSpace.
  • docker-compose.yml contains all the information required by Docker to build and run ArchivesSpace.
  • .env.docker.db contains the credentials used by archivespace to access its MySQL database. It is recommended to change the default root and user passwords to something safer.
  • contains the database connection URI which should also be updated accordingly after the database user password is updated in the step above.
  • The plugins directory is there to accommodate any plugins you wish to install.
  • In the sql directory you can put your .sql database dump file to initialize the new database, see next section.

Migrating from the zip distribution to docker

If you are currently running ArchivesSpace using the zip file distribution, you can start using Docker instead.

Create a backup of your ArchivesSpace instance database

Use mysqldump to create a dump of your MySQL database:

mysqldump -uroot -p123456 -h archivesspace > /tmp/db.$(date +%F.%H%M%S).sql

Follow the steps under the Backup and recovery section if you need more instructions on how create backups of your MySQL database.

Initialize and migrate the database on Docker

Copy your .sql database dump created above in the sql directory of your unzipped Docker configuration package. Make sure the file has the .sql extension and is in plain text format (not zipped). Docker will pick it up when it starts for the first time and restore the dump to your new database.

If you created the dump on an earlier ArchivesSpace version, the system will apply any pending database migrations to upgrade your database to the ArchivesSpace version you are currently running on Docker.



Open a terminal, change to the archivespace-docker-vX.X.X directory that contains the docker-compose.yml file and run:

docker compose up --detach

The first time you start ArchivesSpace with Docker, the container images will be downloaded and configuration steps such as database setup and solr index initialization will be performed automatically. It is expected that the whole process takes up to ten minutes or even more depending on the power of your machine and internet connection speed. Note if you are migrating from using the zip distribution to Docker and have already copied a dump of your database in the sql directory, initialization of the database and indexing it in solr can take a long time depending on the size of your data.

Starting with the --detach option allows closing the terminal without stopping ArchivesSpace. Viewing the logs of running ArchivesSpace containers is possible in Docker Desktop or in a terminal with:

docker compose logs --follow

Watch the logs for the welcome message:

2024-12-04 18:42:17 archivesspace | ************************************************************
2024-12-04 18:42:17 archivesspace | Welcome to ArchivesSpace!
2024-12-04 18:42:17 archivesspace | You can now point your browser to http://localhost:8080
2024-12-04 18:42:17 archivesspace | ************************************************************

You can then login and verify that it is running correctly.

If you have also Docker Desktop installed, you can use it to start, stop and manage the ArchivesSpace containers after they have been created for the first time. At the time of writing this, there is no way to call docker compose using Docker Desktop, it has to be called on a terminal as described above.


You can stop running containers without removing them with the command:

docker compose stop

They can be started again with:

docker compose start