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The latest ArchivesSpace release version


The primary configuration for ArchivesSpace is done in the config/config.rb file. By default, this file contains the default settings, which are indicated by commented out lines ( indicated by the ”#” in the file ). You can adjust these settings by adding new lines that change the default and restarting ArchivesSpace. Be sure that your new settings are not commented out ( i.e. do NOT start with a ”#” ), otherwise the settings will not take effect.

Commonly changed settings

Database config


Set your database name and credentials. The default specifies that the embedded database should be used. It is recommended to use a MySQL database instead of the embedded database. For more info, see Using MySQL

This is an example of specifying MySQL credentials:

AppConfig[:db_url] = "jdbc:mysql://"


Set the maximum number of database connections used by the application. Default is derived from the number of indexer threads.

AppConfig[:db_max_connections] = proc { 20 + (AppConfig[:indexer_thread_count] * 2) }

URLs for ArchivesSpace components

Set the ArchivesSpace backend port. The backend listens on port 8089 by default.

AppConfig[:backend_url] = "http://localhost:8089"

Set the ArchivesSpace staff interface (frontend) port. The staff interface listens on port 8080 by default.

AppConfig[:frontend_url] = "http://localhost:8080"

Set the ArchivesSpace public interface port. The public interface listens on port 8081 by default.

AppConfig[:public_url] = "http://localhost:8081"

Set the ArchivesSpace OAI server port. The OAI server listens on port 8082 by default.

AppConfig[:oai_url] = "http://localhost:8082"

Set the ArchivesSpace Solr index port. The Solr server listens on port 8090 by default.

AppConfig[:solr_url] = "http://localhost:8090"

Set the ArchivesSpace indexer port. The indexer listens on port 8091 by default.

AppConfig[:indexer_url] = "http://localhost:8091"

Set the ArchivesSpace API documentation port. The API documentation listens on port 8888 by default.

AppConfig[:docs_url] = "http://localhost:8888"

Enabling ArchivesSpace components

Enable or disable specific componenets by setting the following settings to true or false (defaults to true):

AppConfig[:enable_backend] = true
AppConfig[:enable_frontend] = true
AppConfig[:enable_public] = true
AppConfig[:enable_solr] = true
AppConfig[:enable_indexer] = true
AppConfig[:enable_docs] = true
AppConfig[:enable_oai] = true

Application logging

By default, all logging will be output on the screen while the archivesspace command is running. When running as a daemon/service, this is put into a file in logs/archivesspace.out. You can route log output to a different file per component by changing the log value to a filepath that archivesspace has write access to.

You can also set the logging level for each component. Valid values are:

  • debug (everything)
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • fatal (severe only)


File for log output for the frontend (staff interface). Set to “default” to route log output to archivesspace.out.


Logging level for the frontend.


File for log output for the backend. Set to “default” to route log output to archivesspace.out.


Logging level for the backend.


File for log output for the public UI. Set to “default” to route log output to archivesspace.out.


Logging level for the public UI.


File for log output for the indexer. Set to “default” to route log output to archivesspace.out.


Logging level for the indexer.

Database logging


Set to true to log all SQL statements. Note that this will have a performance impact!

AppConfig[:db_debug_log] = false


Set to true if you have enabled MySQL binary logging.

AppConfig[:mysql_binlog] = false

Solr backups


Set Solr back up schedule. By default, Solr backups will run at midnight. See for information about the schedule syntax.

AppConfig[:solr_backup_schedule] = "0 * * * *"


Number of Solr backups to keep (default = 1)

AppConfig[:solr_backup_number_to_keep] = 1


Directory to store Solr backups.

AppConfig[:solr_backup_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "solr_backups") }

Default Solr params


Add default solr params.

A simple example: use AND for search:

AppConfig[:solr_params] = { "q.op" => "AND" }

A more complex example: set the boost query value (bq) to boost the relevancy for the query string in the title, set the phrase fields parameter (pf) to boost the relevancy for the title when the query terms are in close proximity to each other, and set the phrase slop (ps) parameter for the pf parameter to indicate how close the proximity should be:

AppConfig[:solr_params] = {
"bq" => proc { "title:\"#{@query_string}\"*" },
"pf" => 'title^10',
"ps" => 0,



Set the application’s language (see the .yml files in for a list of available locale codes). Default is English (:en):

AppConfig[:locale] = :en

Plugin registration


Plug-ins to load. They will load in the order specified.

AppConfig[:plugins] = ['local', 'lcnaf']

Thread count


The number of concurrent threads available to run background jobs. Introduced because long running jobs were blocking the queue. Resist the urge to set this to a big number!

AppConfig[:job_thread_count] = 2

OAI configuration options


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:oai_proxy_url] = ''

NOTE: As of version 2.5.2, the following parameters (oai_repository_name, oai_record_prefix, and oai_admin_email) have been deprecated. They should be set in the Staff User Interface. To set them, select the System menu in the Staff User Interface and then select Manage OAI-PMH Settings. These three settings are at the top of the page in the General Settings section. These settings will be completely removed from the config file when version 2.6.0 is released.


AppConfig[:oai_repository_name] = 'ArchivesSpace OAI Provider'


AppConfig[:oai_record_prefix] = 'oai:archivesspace'


AppConfig[:oai_admin_email] = ''


In addition to the sets based on level of description, you can define OAI Sets based on repository codes and/or sponsors as follows:

AppConfig[:oai_sets] = {
'repository_set' => {
:repo_codes => ['hello626'],
:description => "A set of one or more repositories",
'sponsor_set' => {
:sponsors => ['The_Sponsor'],
:description => "A set of one or more sponsors",

Other less commonly changed settings

Default admin password


Set default admin password. Default password is “admin”.

#AppConfig[:default_admin_password] = "admin"

Data directories


If you run ArchivesSpace using the standard scripts (, archivesspace.bat or as a Windows service), the value of :data_directory is automatically set to be the “data” directory of your ArchivesSpace distribution. You don’t need to change this value unless you specifically want ArchivesSpace to put its data files elsewhere.

AppConfig[:data_directory] = File.join(Dir.home, "ArchivesSpace")


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:backup_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "demo_db_backups") }


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:solr_index_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "solr_index") }


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:solr_home_directory] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "solr_home") }

Solr defaults


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:solr_indexing_frequency_seconds] = 30


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:solr_facet_limit] = 100


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:default_page_size] = 10


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:max_page_size] = 250


A prefix added to cookies used by the application. Change this if you’re running more than one instance of ArchivesSpace on the same hostname (i.e. multiple instances on different ports). Default is “archivesspace”.

AppConfig[:cookie_prefix] = "archivesspace"

Indexer settings

The periodic indexer can run using multiple threads to take advantage of multiple CPU cores. By setting these two options, you can control how many CPU cores are used, and the amount of memory that will be consumed by the indexing process (more cores and/or more records per thread means more memory used).


AppConfig[:indexer_records_per_thread] = 25


AppConfig[:indexer_thread_count] = 4


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:indexer_solr_timeout_seconds] = 300

PUI Indexer Settings


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:pui_indexer_enabled] = true


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:pui_indexing_frequency_seconds] = 30


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:pui_indexer_records_per_thread] = 25


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:pui_indexer_thread_count] = 1

Index state


Set to ‘IndexStateS3’ for amazon s3

TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:index_state_class] = 'IndexState'


Store indexer state in amazon s3 (optional) NOTE: s3 charges for read / update requests and the pui indexer is continually writing to state files so you may want to increase pui_indexing_frequency_seconds

TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:index_state_s3] = {
region: ENV.fetch("AWS_REGION"),
aws_access_key_id: ENV.fetch("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"),
aws_secret_access_key: ENV.fetch("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"),
bucket: ENV.fetch("AWS_ASPACE_BUCKET"),
prefix: proc { "#{AppConfig[:cookie_prefix]}_" },

Misc. database options


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:allow_other_unmapped] = false


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:db_url_redacted] = proc { AppConfig[:db_url].gsub(/(user|password)=(.*?)(&|$)/, '\1=[REDACTED]\3') }


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:demo_db_backup_schedule] = "0 4 * * *"


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:allow_unsupported_database] = false


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:allow_non_utf8_mysql_database] = false

AppConfig[:demo_db_backup_number_to_keep] = 7

TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:demo_db_backup_number_to_keep] = 7

Proxy URLs

If you are serving user-facing applications via proxy (i.e., another domain or port, or via https, or for a prefix) it is recommended that you record those URLs in your configuration

AppConfig[:frontend_proxy_url] = proc { AppConfig[:frontend_url] }

Proxy URL for the frontend (staff interface)

AppConfig[:frontend_proxy_url] = proc { AppConfig[:frontend_url] }


Proxy URL for the public interface

AppConfig[:public_proxy_url] = proc { AppConfig[:public_url] }


Don’t override this setting unless you know what you’re doing

AppConfig[:frontend_proxy_prefix] = proc { "#{URI(AppConfig[:frontend_proxy_url]).path}/".gsub(%r{/+$}, "/") }


Don’t override this setting unless you know what you’re doing

AppConfig[:public_proxy_prefix] = proc { "#{URI(AppConfig[:public_proxy_url]).path}/".gsub(%r{/+$}, "/") }

Enable component applications

Setting any of these false will prevent the associated applications from starting. Temporarily disabling the frontend and public UIs and/or the indexer may help users who are running into memory-related issues during migration.


AppConfig[:enable_backend] = true


AppConfig[:enable_frontend] = true


AppConfig[:enable_public] = true


AppConfig[:enable_solr] = true


AppConfig[:enable_indexer] = true


AppConfig[:enable_docs] = true


AppConfig[:enable_oai] = true

Jetty shutdown

Some use cases want the ability to shutdown the Jetty service using Jetty’s ShutdownHandler, which allows a POST request to a specific URI to signal server shutdown. The prefix for this URI path is set to /xkcd to reduce the possibility of a collision in the path configuration. So, full path would be

/xkcd/shutdown?token={randomly generated password}

The launcher creates a password to use this, which is stored in the data directory. This is not turned on by default.


AppConfig[:use_jetty_shutdown_handler] = false


AppConfig[:jetty_shutdown_path] = "/xkcd"

Managing multile backend instances

If you have multiple instances of the backend running behind a load balancer, list the URL of each backend instance here. This is used by the real-time indexing, which needs to connect directly to each running instance.

By default we assume you’re not using a load balancer, so we just connect to the regular backend URL.


AppConfig[:backend_instance_urls] = proc { [AppConfig[:backend_url]] }


TODO - Needs more documentation


AppConfig[:frontend_theme] = "default"


AppConfig[:public_theme] = "default"

Session expiration


Sessions marked as expirable will timeout after this number of seconds of inactivity

AppConfig[:session_expire_after_seconds] = 3600


Sessions marked as non-expirable will eventually expire too, but after a longer period.

AppConfig[:session_nonexpirable_force_expire_after_seconds] = 604800

System usernames

TODO - Needs more documentation


AppConfig[:search_username] = "search_indexer"


AppConfig[:public_username] = "public_anonymous"


AppConfig[:staff_username] = "staff_system"

Authentication sources

TODO - Needs more documentation


AppConfig[:authentication_sources] = []

Misc. backlog and snapshot settings


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:realtime_index_backlog_ms] = 60000


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:notifications_backlog_ms] = 60000


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:notifications_poll_frequency_ms] = 1000


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:max_usernames_per_source] = 50


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:demodb_snapshot_flag] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "create_demodb_snapshot.txt") }

Report Configuration


Uses valid values for the CSS3 @page directive’s size property:

AppConfig[:report_page_layout] = "letter"


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:report_pdf_font_paths] = proc { ["#{AppConfig[:backend_url]}/reports/static/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf"] }


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:report_pdf_font_family] = "\"DejaVu Sans\", sans-serif"

Plugins directory


By default, the plugins directory will be in your ASpace Home. If you want to override that, update this with an absolute path

AppConfig[:plugins_directory] = "plugins"



URL to direct the feedback link. You can remove this from the footer by making the value blank.

AppConfig[:feedback_url] = ""

User registration


Allow an unauthenticated user to create an account

AppConfig[:allow_user_registration] = true

Help Configuration


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:help_enabled] = true


TODO - Needs more documentation

`AppConfig[:help_url] = “”“


TODO - Needs more documentation

`AppConfig[:help_topic_base_url] = “““

Shared storage


AppConfig[:shared_storage] = proc { File.join(AppConfig[:data_directory], "shared") }

Background jobs


Formerly known as :import_job_path

TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:job_file_path] = proc { AppConfig.has_key?(:import_job_path) ? AppConfig[:import_job_path] : File.join(AppConfig[:shared_storage], "job_files") }


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:job_poll_seconds] = proc { AppConfig.has_key?(:import_poll_seconds) ? AppConfig[:import_poll_seconds] : 5 }


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:job_timeout_seconds] = proc { AppConfig.has_key?(:import_timeout_seconds) ? AppConfig[:import_timeout_seconds] : 300 }


By default, only allow jobs to be cancelled if we’re running against MySQL (since we can rollback)

AppConfig[:jobs_cancelable] = proc { (AppConfig[:db_url] != AppConfig.demo_db_url).to_s }



TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:max_location_range] = 1000

Schema Info check


ASpace backend will not start if the db’s schema_info version is not set correctly for this version of ASPACE. This is to ensure that all the migrations have run and completed before starting the app. You can override this check here. Do so at your own peril.

AppConfig[:ignore_schema_info_check] = false

Demo data


This is a URL that points to some demo data that can be used for testing, teaching, etc. To use this, set an OS environment variable of ASPACE_DEMO = true

AppConfig[:demo_data_url] = ""

External IDs


Expose external ids in the frontend

AppConfig[:show_external_ids] = false

Jetty request/response buffer

Set the allowed size of the request/response header that Jetty will accept (anything bigger gets a 403 error). Note if you want to jack this size up, you will also have to configure your Nginx/Apache as well if you’re using that


AppConfig[:jetty_response_buffer_size_bytes] = 64 * 1024


AppConfig[:jetty_request_buffer_size_bytes] = 64 * 1024

Container management configuration fields


Defines global and repo-level barcode validations (validating on length only). Barcodes that have either no value, or a value between :min and :max, will validate on save. Set global constraints via :system_default, and use the repo_code value for repository-level constraints. Note that :system_default will always inherit down its values when possible.

AppConfig[:container_management_barcode_length] = {:system_default => {:min => 5, :max => 10}, 'repo' => {:min => 9, :max => 12}, 'other_repo' => {:min => 9, :max => 9} }


Globally defines the behavior of the exent calculator. Use :report_volume (true/false) to define whether space should be reported in cubic or linear dimensions. Use :unit (:feet, :inches, :meters, :centimeters) to define the unit which the calculator reports extents in. Use :decimal_places to define how many decimal places the calculator should return.


AppConfig[:container_management_extent_calculator] = { :report_volume => true, :unit => :feet, :decimal_places => 3 }

Record inheritance in public interface


Define the fields for a record type that are inherited from ancestors if they don’t have a value in the record itself. This is used in common/record_inheritance.rb and was developed to support the new public UI application. Note - any changes to record_inheritance config will require a reindex of pui records to take affect. To do this remove files from indexer_pui_state

AppConfig[:record_inheritance] = {
:archival_object => {
:inherited_fields => [
:property => 'title',
:inherit_directly => true
:property => 'component_id',
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'language',
:inherit_directly => true
:property => 'dates',
:inherit_directly => true
:property => 'extents',
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'linked_agents',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['role'] == 'creator'} },
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'notes',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['type'] == 'accessrestrict'} },
:inherit_directly => true
:property => 'notes',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['type'] == 'scopecontent'} },
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'notes',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['type'] == 'langmaterial'} },
:inherit_directly => false

To enable composite identifiers - added to the merged record in a property \_composite_identifier

The values for :include_level and :identifier_delimiter shown here are the defaults

If :include_level is set to true then level values (eg Series) will be included in \_composite_identifier

The :identifier_delimiter is used when joining the four part identifier for resources

AppConfig[:record_inheritance][:archival_object][:composite_identifiers] = {
:include_level => false,
:identifier_delimiter => ' '

To configure additional elements to be inherited use this pattern in your config

AppConfig[:record_inheritance][:archival_object][:inherited_fields] <<
:property => 'linked_agents',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['role'] == 'subject'} },
:inherit_directly => true

… or use this pattern to add many new elements at once

:property => 'subjects',
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j|
! j['_resolved']['terms'].select { |t| t['term_type'] == 'topical'}.empty? }
:inherit_directly => true
:property => 'external_documents',
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'rights_statements',
:inherit_directly => false
:property => 'instances',
:inherit_directly => false

If you want to modify any of the default rules, the safest approach is to uncomment the entire default record_inheritance config and make your changes. For example, to stop scopecontent notes from being inherited into file or item records uncomment the entire record_inheritance default config above, and add a skip_if clause to the scopecontent rule, like this:

:property => 'notes',
:skip_if => proc {|json| ['file', 'item'].include?(json['level']) },
:inherit_if => proc {|json| {|j| j['type'] == 'scopecontent'} },
:inherit_directly => false

PUI Configurations


AppConfig[:pui_search_results_page_size] = 10


AppConfig[:pui_branding_img] = 'archivesspace.small.png'


AppConfig[:pui_block_referrer] = true # patron privacy; blocks full 'referer' when going outside the domain


The number of PDFs we’ll generate (in the background) at the same time.

PDF generation can be a little memory intensive for large collections, so we set this fairly low out of the box.

AppConfig[:pui_max_concurrent_pdfs] = 2


You can set this to nil or zero to prevent a timeout

AppConfig[:pui_pdf_timeout] = 600


AppConfig[:pui_hide] = {}

The following determine which ‘tabs’ are on the main horizontal menu:

AppConfig[:pui_hide][:repositories] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:resources] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:digital_objects] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:accessions] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:subjects] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:agents] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:classifications] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:search_tab] = false

The following determine globally whether the various “badges” appear on the Repository page can be overriden at repository level below (e.g.: AppConfig[:repos][{repo_code}][:hide][:counts] = true

AppConfig[:pui_hide][:resource_badge] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:record_badge] = true # hide by default
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:digital_object_badge] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:accession_badge] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:subject_badge] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:agent_badge] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:classification_badge] = false
AppConfig[:pui_hide][:counts] = false

The following determines globally whether the ‘container inventory’ navigation tab/pill is hidden on resource/collection page

AppConfig[:pui_hide][:container_inventory] = false


Determine when the request button is displayed

AppConfig[:pui_requests_permitted_for_types] = [:resource, :archival_object, :accession, :digital_object, :digital_object_component]


Set to ‘true’ if you want to disable if there is no top container

AppConfig[:pui_requests_permitted_for_containers_only] = false


Repository-specific examples. Replace {repo_code} with your repository code, i.e. ‘foo’ - note the lower-case

AppConfig[:pui_repos] = {}


for a particular repository, only enable requests for certain record types (Note this configuration will override AppConfig[:pui_requests_permitted_for_types] for the repository)

AppConfig[:pui_repos]['foo'][:requests_permitted_for_types] = [:resource, :archival_object, :accession, :digital_object, :digital_object_component]

For a particular repository, disable request

AppConfig[:pui_repos]['foo'][:requests_permitted_for_containers_only] = true

Set the email address to send any repository requests:

AppConfig[:pui_repos]['foo'][:request_email] = {email address}

TODO - Needs more documentation here

AppConfig[:pui_repos]['foo'][:hide] = {}
AppConfig[:pui_repos]['foo'][:hide][:counts] = true


TODO - Needs more documentation

AppConfig[:pui_display_deaccessions] = true


Enable / disable PUI resource/archival object page ‘cite’ action

AppConfig[:pui_page_actions_cite] = true


Enable / disable PUI resource/archival object page ‘bookmark’ action

AppConfig[:pui_page_actions_bookmark] = true


Enable / disable PUI resource/archival object page ‘request’ action

AppConfig[:pui_page_actions_request] = true


Enable / disable PUI resource/archival object page ‘print’ action

AppConfig[:pui_page_actions_print] = true

when a user is authenticated, add a link back to the staff interface from the specified record

AppConfig[:pui_enable_staff_link] = true

by default, staff link will open record in staff interface in edit mode, change this to ‘readonly’ for it to open in readonly mode

AppConfig[:pui_staff_link_mode] = 'edit'


Add page actions via the configuration

AppConfig[:pui_page_custom_actions] = []

Javascript action example:

AppConfig[:pui_page_custom_actions] << {
'record_type' => ['resource', 'archival_object'], # the jsonmodel type to show for
'label' => 'actions.do_something', # the I18n path for the action button
'icon' => 'fa-paw', # the font-awesome icon CSS class
'onclick_javascript' => 'alert("do something grand");',

Hyperlink action example:

AppConfig[:pui_page_custom_actions] << {
'record_type' => ['resource', 'archival_object'], # the jsonmodel type to show for
'label' => 'actions.do_something', # the I18n path for the action button
'icon' => 'fa-paw', # the font-awesome icon CSS class
'url_proc' => proc {|record| ''+record.uri},

Form-POST action example:

AppConfig[:pui_page_custom_actions] << {
'record_type' => ['resource', 'archival_object'], # the jsonmodel type to show for
'label' => 'actions.do_something', # the I18n path for the action button
'icon' => 'fa-paw', # the font-awesome icon CSS class
# 'post_params_proc' returns a hash of params which populates a form with hidden inputs ('name' => 'value')
'post_params_proc' => proc {|record| {'uri' => record.uri, 'display_string' => record.display_string} },
# 'url_proc' returns the URL for the form to POST to
'url_proc' => proc {|record| ''+record.uri},
# 'form_id' as string to be used as the form's ID
'form_id' => 'my_grand_action',

ERB action example:

AppConfig[:pui_page_custom_actions] << {
'record_type' => ['resource', 'archival_object'],
# the jsonmodel type to show for
# 'erb_partial' returns the path to an erb template from which the action will be rendered
'erb_partial' => 'shared/my_special_action',


PUI email settings (logs emails when disabled)

AppConfig[:pui_email_enabled] = false


See above AppConfig[:pui_repos][{repo_code}][:request_email] for setting repository email overrides ‘pui_email_override’ for testing, this email will be the to-address for all sent emails

AppConfig[:pui_email_override] = ''


The ‘to’ email address for repositories that don’t define their own email

AppConfig[:pui_request_email_fallback_to_address] = ''


The ‘from’ email address for repositories that don’t define their own email

AppConfig[:pui_request_email_fallback_from_address] = ''


Use the repository record email address for requests (overrides config email)

AppConfig[:pui_request_use_repo_email] = false


AppConfig[:pui_email_delivery_method] = :sendmail


AppConfig[:pui_email_sendmail_settings] = {
location: '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
arguments: '-i'


Apply when AppConfig[:pui_email_delivery_method] set to :smtp

Example SMTP configuration:

AppConfig[:pui_email_smtp_settings] = {
address: '',
port: 587,
domain: '',
user_name: '<username>',
password: '<password>',
authentication: 'plain',
enable_starttls_auto: true,


AppConfig[:pui_email_perform_deliveries] = true


AppConfig[:pui_email_raise_delivery_errors] = true


The number of characters to truncate before showing the ‘Read More’ link on notes

AppConfig[:pui_readmore_max_characters] = 450


Whether to expand all additional information blocks at the bottom of record pages by default. true expands all blocks, false collapses all blocks.

AppConfig[:pui_expand_all] = false


Use to specify the maximum number of columns to display when searching or browsing

AppConfig[:max_search_columns] = 7